Al-Madinah School

Newsletter 22 August,  2023

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB


Several reminders have been sent through the school newsletters regarding students coming late on regular basis.  Alhamdulillah, there is a lot of improvement shown but there are a few who still come late.  Those students who still come late, will now be put on lunch time detention.  We encourage the parents/ caregivers to drop their child/children to school on time, so they do not miss out on their schoolwork.

Ladies’ and Girls’ program at Al-Madinah School

Alimah Nadia Sadiq, a Religious Scholar/ Educationist/Etiquette Coach/Inspirational Speaker /Co-founder, and Principal of Nur ul Ilm Academy in Dubai will be conducting a female only program on social media on Friday, 1st September 2023 from 6:00pm – 7:30pm.  Light refreshments will be provided. Enquiries and registration: 02040641562.


Jazaakallahu Khairan to the parents/caregivers who have already paid their attendance dues in full.  Please note that the full attendance dues must have been paid by or before the end of Term 2. Those who have not paid, please pay immediately.


“We’ve had a few near misses of late with school drop-offs with parents pulling out in front of cars often from one side of the road to swing around to the other and head back toward Mangere toward their work / home. A lot are also not indicating and last week alone I personally had 3 close misses, and 1 again this morning so feel it is necessary to say something.   Also, in the afternoon a lot of parents are parking on yellow lines also restricting cars going through to the lights and holding up traffic. They can park further down the road safely.

If you could please mention it in the next newsletter as we want to keep everyone safe, and I know our team drives slowly past the school adhering to the 40km/h speed limit as we’ve discussed it in the past.  I know some parents with children at your school and I would hate to see an accident or injury caused by some of the driving, which is very reckless at times. I haven’t involved the police as I feel you can address it and look forward to seeing an improvement.”



Mon – Thurs 1.40pm – 2.00pm

Fridays – Jumu’ah from 1.40pm – 2.15pm

Parents/caregivers are advised NOT to pick-up their child/children during the above times. If there is any urgent appointment during these timing, please pick them up before salah.


It has been observed that some parents are picking-up their child/children early on a regular basis.  Please try to make appointments outside school hours.  If there is urgent appointment, please bring the appointment letter. There should be a genuine/good reason to pick-up your child/children during the day as they miss out on important learning.


Important dates for Years 10-13 students that parents can take note of when planning events and to help prepare their children for assessments:

23/08/23:  From 8.40am to 9.40am.

Year 11 students Mathematics (MCAT) practice assessment.

12/09/23: from 9am to 10am.

Year 11 students Mathematics (MCAT) final exams.

31/10/23: Year 10NCEA corequisite       reading.

01/11/23: NCEA corequisite writing.

02/11/23: NCEA corequisite numeracy.

12/09/23: to 22/09/23: Years 11-13 – NCEA

                practice exams

18/10/23: NCEA DCAT

06/11/23 to 28/11/23: NCEA and  

                scholarship external exams


Asin Ali
