Newsletter 01-05-2024

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB

Dear Parents/Caregivers  

Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB

Islamic Week

This week is Islamic Week where students are involved in various activities such as Qur’aan & speech competition, Islamic Art, nasheeds, and skits etc.

On Friday 3rd May all the students will be having non-uniform day.  Students are expected to come in proper Islamic/cultural attire.  Students can also bring a plate of food to share in class (each class will inform about what food is required and when).

Reminder: Year 7-10 Boys Camp

Thursday 2 May (tomorrow) is the last day to pay the camp fees. The camp is scheduled from Tuesday 7th – Thursday 9th May. Jazakallah to all those who have already paid.


Asin Ali