Day 1 – 1st of July 2024

Theme of the camp: Respect for the environment.

Assalamu alaikum wrb,

Alhamdulillah, we left AMS at 8.15am and arrived at Merc around 9.10am. Merc staff/instructors welcomed the students and had a session about the camp site. Students moved into their activity groups for a brief lesson before the start of the activities. Each group participated in three of the following activities: abseiling, surf skills, biking, paddle boat, giant ladder, archery and boating safety. The weather has been very good with a bit of sunshine in the morning and a drizzle in the afternoon.

The students are full of energy and have enjoyed all the activities for the day.

This is what the students had to say about the day:
“Abseiling and climbing the giant ladder was challenging but we have learnt new skills, have learnt important water safety rules from the water activities, enjoyed team building and archery competition, had a wonderful day and good bonding time”.

After lunch and Zuhar salah students were very excited to move into their dormitories to set up their rooms.

After the last activity for the day which ended around 4pm,  the students prepared themselves for Asar salah. Dinner was served after Magrib, students prayed their Isha and then were sent to their dormitories to prepare for their bedtime.

Jazakallahu khairan

Ust N Zaim