Day 2 – 2nd of July 2024

Theme of the camp: Respect for the environment.

Assalamu alaikum wrb,
We started the day with Fajr salah at around 6am and breakfast from 7am to 8am.  Students then went for a coastal walk, exploring the marine life on the shore and reefs. The focus of the walk was coastal Kaitiakitanga. Students were very excited to find crabs, starfish, shrimps, sea snails, shellfish,  and many other creatures on the marine reserve.

Though it is winter, we had a very nice and sunny weather for the students to enjoy all the activities. Once again, each group had the opportunity to participate in three different activities. All the students have been encouraged to participate and challenge themselves to try out all the activities, like climbing giant ladder, abseiling, and paddling their boat in the ocean though they found them scary. 

This is what the students had to say about the day. ” It has been an exciting day, we have learnt the skills to run faster in the water to save lives, abseiling was nerve breaking, archery has brought back memories of back home, opportunities for team building and bonding with others.” 

Students have made their own burgers for lunch. They prayed Zuhar salah and headed off to the last activity for the day.

Teachers have been busy making sure that students are safe, enjoying all the activities, and provided with good meals and snacks.

At the end of the day, students had some time to relax after Asar salah, then prayed Magarib,  did taleem and had dinner. Students prayed Isha, and around 7.30pm were sent back to their dormitories to get ready to sleep.

Jazakallahu khairan 

Ust N Zaim