Newsletter 11-06-2024

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB

Principal’s Message

Alhamdolillah, we had a very good Ijtima.  Jazaakallahu Khairan to all the staff, students, parents/caregivers and community members for your support in the preparation for the Ijtema; building the tent and participation.  We would also like to thank the female staff, parents and caregivers who cooked and sent snacks, puri, roti etc during the Ijtima.

Furthermore, Alhamdolillah the school has been given a clean audit opinion for our 2023 Annual Financial Report, by our school Auditor. A copy will be made available on the school website.

Lastly Eid-Ul-Adha will be held on Tuesday 18 June and the school will be closed for the day.  On behalf of the school staff and the board, I wish a happy Eid to you all.

Student ID Card

Photographs will be taken for years 7 to 13 students on Monday 17th June. Parents/ caregivers are requested to send $10.00 with their child/children to the class teacher.

Trip to Kelly Tarlton’s

Year 2 will be visiting Kelly Tarltons on Wednesday 12th June and Year 1 will be visiting on Thursday 13th June.

NZ Careers Expo

NZ careers expo is at ASB showground. Year 10 to 13 students will attend the expo from 10.30am to 12.30pm on following days:

Boys – 20th of June 2024

Girls – 21st of June 2024

Student consent form has been sent home, please sign and return with $5 fee.

Zohar/Jummah Salah Time at AMS  

Mon – Thurs 1.40pm – 2.00pm

Fridays – Jummah from 1.40pm – 2.15pm

Parents/caregivers are advised NOT to pick-up their child/children during the above times. If there is any urgent appointment during these timing, please pick them up before salah.

It has also been noticed that parents are picking-up their child/children after finishing jummah at Airport Mosque.  This will no longer be allowed.


For any absences, parents need to email: before 9.00am. Please mention students name and reason for absence.  Attach medical certificate if any.

Key Dates

  • Eid-ul-Adha – Tue 18 June – school closed
  • Matariki Holiday – Fri 28 June
  • Secondary school girls camp on Mon 01 July to Wed 03 July
  • NCEA co-requisite assessments (CAA) for year 10 students:
  • Reading Exam- Mon 9 September
  • Writing Exam-Tues 10 September
  • Numeracy Exam-Wed 11 September
  • NCEA Year 11-13 EOY practice exams:
  • Mon 16 September to 27 September
  • Level 2 & 3 Digital Technology external exam 24 October


Asin Ali