Newsletter 25-06-2024

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB

Principal’s Message

Forgiving and asking forgiveness is an excellent quality of a Muslim/human being. Hence, in these times of calamities, our community members including staff, students, parents/caregivers and the human beings at large are requested to practically bring these qualities in our lives.

Secondary Girls Camp

The secondary girls camp for years 7-13 will be from Monday 1 July to Wednesday 3 July at Sir Peter Blake MERC. A link was sent out to parents yesterday to be completed by Wednesday 26th. Jazaakallahu Khairan to parents for attending the camp meeting and to all other parents for their support towards our camp.  Very special thanks go to our secondary female staff for their effort in making this camp possible.  Those students who are not going for the camp must attend school.

Kiwi English Competition

Students from Years 7-10 have participated in Kiwi English Competition which is organised by the University of Canterbury.  This is an online competition that focuses on important English skills. The results will be released in Term 4.

Auckland Schools’ Debating Workshop

Our students from Years 10-13 participated in the Auckland Schools’ debating workshop on Saturday 22 June at the school. The students were able to learn important debating and public speaking skills from experienced debaters. There were two separate sessions, one for boys led by a male presenter and one for girls led by a female presenter.

Secondary Boys’ Production (Save the date)

The Secondary Boys’ Production will be on Thursday 29 August at the Mangere Arts Centre from 6.30-9.30pm. Our students are currently preparing and rehearsing for the production. The production

is full of intrigue, mystery and important Islamic lessons. Details of tickets sales will be shared later.

EOTC Trip to Rangiriri Paa

Our students from Years 9-13 boys recently had the opportunity to participate in an EOTC trip to

Rangiriri Paa. This trip was a valuable learning experience for them, allowing them to deepen their

understanding of New Zealand’s history. They explored the historical site, engaged with knowledgeable guides, and learned about the resilience of the Maori people. We are proud of their engagement and the lessons they have learned.

Year 13 Geography EOTC

The Year 13B is scheduled to participate in an excursion to Rotorua from July 2nd to July 4th, 2024. This trip is directly related to their Geography assignments AS91427 and AS91431, and it presents a valuable opportunity for our students to explore the cultural process of tourism development and its impact on the Rotorua environment. During the excursion, our students will have the chance to visit various tourist attractions where they will engage in discussions about the sustainability of tourism development. They will gain insights into the connection between social and environmental factors and how they shape the characteristics and distributions of places and environments.

We believe that these experiences will further enrich our students’ education and broaden their perspectives. We encourage parents and guardians to support and encourage their participation in these valuable learning opportunities.

Complaints Process

Please refer to the complaints policy on the school docs on our school website. Please go to our school website:

User: al-madinah & Password: westney

Parent/Teacher Conference

Parent/teacher conference is on Wednesday 31 July 2024, for students from years 1–13, starting from 8.00am – 5.00pm.  This will be a whole day programme.  The students are required to stay home and only come to school at their appointment time with their parents and to return home with them afterwards.

Booking can be done via the website:  CODE:  gv3dg Enter the event code and then follow

the instructions on the screen.  Parents/ caregivers who do not have internet access at home, are most welcome to contact the class teachers or the school office to book appointments.  Booking will be open soon.

Student ID Card

The ID Card will, in shaa Allah, be ready next week.  Those who have not paid $10.00 for the card please pay before the card is issued.

Trip to Kelly Tarlton’s

Years 5 and 6 are going on a trip to Kelly Tarlton’s.

Wed 26 June   – Ust Mahejabin AU14

Ust Roslin AU15

Thurs 27 June  – Ust Mufida AD3

Ust Rehana AU13

Attendance Dues

Jazaakallahu Khairan to the parents who have already paid their attendance dues. We are requesting to those who have not paid to pay immediately as the full attendance dues must be paid by end of Term 2.

Public Holiday

The school will be closed on Friday 28 June for Matariki holiday.

Term 2 School Break

School finishes for Term 2 on Friday 5 July at 2.30pm and starts for Term 3 on Monday 22 July 2024.


Zohar/Jummah Salah Time at AMS  

Mon – Thurs 1.40pm – 2.00pm

Fridays – Jummah from 1.40pm – 2.15pm

Parents/caregivers are advised NOT to pick-up their child/children during the above times. If

there is any urgent appointment during these timing, please pick them up before salah.

It has also been noticed that parents are picking -up their child/children after finishing jummah at Airport Mosque.  This will no longer be allowed.


For any absences, parents need to email: before 9.00am.  This includes students who are going on holiday during term time.

Please mention students name and reason for absence.  Attach medical certificate if any.

Key Dates

  • Matariki Holiday – Fri 28 June
  • Secondary school girls camp on Mon 01 July to Wed 03 July
  • NCEA co-requisite assessments (CAA) for year 10 students:
  • Reading Exam- Mon 9 September
  • Writing Exam-Tues 10 September
  • Numeracy Exam-Wed 11 September
  • NCEA Year 11-13 EOY practice exams:
  • Mon 16 September to Fri 27 September
  • Level 2 & 3 Digital Technology external exam Thurs 17 October.


Asin Ali