Newsletter 27-02-2024
Newsletter 27-02-2024 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB ANNUAL GALA DAY Gala Day is on Saturday 02 March 2024 from 9.00am to 3.00pm. The stall cost is $100.00. If you need to hire space for [...]
Newsletter 27-02-2024 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB ANNUAL GALA DAY Gala Day is on Saturday 02 March 2024 from 9.00am to 3.00pm. The stall cost is $100.00. If you need to hire space for [...]
Newsletter 20-02-2024 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB ANNUAL GALA DAY Gala Day is on Saturday 02 March 2024 from 9.00am to 3.00pm. The stall cost is $100.00. If you need to hire space for [...]
Newsletter 05-02-2024 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB TERM 1 – 2024 Welcome back to all the staff and students. Special welcome to all the new students, their parents & caregivers and staff. Jazaakallahu Khairan [...]
Newsletter 29-11-2023 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB IED TRUST PROJECT Jazaakallahu khairan to those who have already donated towards the IED TRUST'S Ellerslie Islamic Centre Project "purchase of a Church" for an Islamic Centre. [...]
Newsletter 21-11-2023 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB MESSAGE FROM NZQA Whānau and Students Tēnā koutou katoa During the NCEA exams on Friday morning, 10 November, NZQA’s digital assessment platform reached capacity after 18,000 students [...]
Newsletter 09-11-2023 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB NEW BOARD AT AMS Ministry of Education has appointed a new board for this school. This board has replaced the role of the Commissioner. Bruce Adin will [...]
Newsletter 24 October, 2023 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB KIWI ENGLISH COMPETITION Masha Allah and congratulations to the following students and their English teachers for commendable performance in Kiwi English Competition that was conducted [...]
Newsletter 10 October, 2023 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB TERM 4 – 2023 Welcome back to Term 4. Hope you all had a good break. STUDY BREAK Study break for years 11-13 (NCEA) students [...]
Newsletter 19 September, 2023 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB FACE-2-FACE CONSULTATION MEETING Tomorrow, Wednesday 20th September 2023 from 2.00pm onwards, the above meeting will be held to discuss the following: STRATEGIC PLANNING: This will [...]
Newsletter 12 September, 2023 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB EXAMINATION End of Year (EOY) Practice Examination for years 11-13 is from Tuesday 12 September to Thursday 21 September 2023. It is important that students [...]