Learning Support
Learning Support Coordinator (LSC) is available at school and will work to ensure all learners – including those with disabilities, neurodiversity and behavioural issues, and those who are gifted – get the help they need. ORS (Ongoing Resourcing Scheme) students are funded according to what the Ministry of Education deems their level of need and ICS (In Class Support) students are funded for 5 hours per week.
LSC will further build the capability of Kaiako and teachers. Identify and plan for the learning support needs of all children and young people in the school or Kura, including those with moderate needs and who are gifted. LSC is there to support learners, and their parents and whanau and brings in specialist help to support classroom teachers and connecting with appropriate agencies.
The LSC focus on five areas associated with learning support needs:
- Support students in schools and Kura
- Work with teachers and Kaiako in schools and Kura
- Work with parents, family and whanau
- Work with other LSCs across a cluster of schools and Kura, and connect with the Ministry’s Learning Support Facilitator function and the Learning Support Delivery Model.
- Work with the school or Kura leadership team to plan support for all learners.

Rehana Khan
RehanaK@al-madinah.school.nz | Ph: (09) 9309848 | Mob: 0212102157