Newsletter 28 April, 2020
Newsletter 28 April, 2020 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu AlaikumWRWB [...]
Newsletter 22 April, 2020
Newsletter 22 April, 2020 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu AlaikumWRWB Dear Parents/Caregivers Unite against COVID-19 Assalaamu alaikum wrwb [...]
Camp 2020
Secondary girls went on a school camp on 10th, 11th and 12th of March to Hunua Falls. This is the feedback by 11G: “I had a great time bonding with people while camping. One thing [...]
Leadership Program for Senior Students-2020
The year 12 and 13 students had been given the opportunity to participate in a leadership program on the 27th and 28th of February. This two-day course had taught the students the significance of being [...]
Newsletter 24 March, 2020
Newsletter 24 March, 2020 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu AlaikumWRWB With yesterday’s announcement by Government, we are implementing with urgency our plan to support your child’s learning from home. We appreciate this is a sudden and [...]
Newsletter 25 February, 2020
Newsletter 25 February, 2020 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu AlaikumWRWB MEETING WITH THE COMMISSIONER All parents are invited to attend a meeting with Bruce Adin, the Commissioner of AMS on Thursday March 12th at 6.30pm at AMS Hall. [...]
NCEA information for parents
NCEA information for parents.doc-
School Magazine 2019
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuhu, This year for the first time the Al-Madinah school is publishing an e-copy of the school magazine Reflections. Through this medium we hope to reach a wider reading audience. We hope [...]