Newsletter30 March 2022
Newsletter 30 March, 2022 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB REVIEW OF TERM 1 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Our application to Ministry for the above has been declined. This is because a much longer consultation time is [...]
Newsletter 30 March, 2022 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB REVIEW OF TERM 1 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Our application to Ministry for the above has been declined. This is because a much longer consultation time is [...]
Newsletter 22 March, 2022 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB YOUTH MP 2022 FOR MANGERE Congratulations to Humairaa Saheb for her appointment as the Mangere Youth MP 2022. ATTENDANCE Attendance is very important for all [...]
Newsletter 22 March, 2022 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB YOUTH MP 2022 FOR MANGERE Congratulations to Humairaa Saheb for her appointment as the Mangere Youth MP 2022. ATTENDANCE Attendance is very important for all [...]
Newsletter 18 February, 2022 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB POSITIVE CASE AT AL-MADINAH - YEAR 6 HUB Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahamatullahi Wa Barkatahu We have been informed that a Year 6 Student has been [...]
Newsletter 08 February, 2022 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB TERM ONE - 2022 Welcome back to all the staff and students. Special welcome to all the new students and staff. Jazaakallahu khairan to all [...]
Newsletter 7 December, 2021 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB NCEA -TOD School will be closed for all students (Years 1-13) on Wednesday 15 December 2021 to allow the staff to prepare for the implementation [...]
Newsletter 17 August, 2021 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB PASTORAL CARE NIGHT WITH WHANAU AND CAREGIVERS The school is holding an information night about the pastoral care services available at AMS. To explain and [...]
Newsletter 10 August, 2021 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB NCEA TOD AMS NCEA TOD is on coming Monday, 16th August 2021. The school will be closed for all students. CONTACT DETAILS Please update your [...]
Newsletter 02 August, 2021 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB REMINDER PARENT TEACHER MEETING Parent Teacher meeting for year’s 1 – 13 students will be held on tomorrow 03rd of August, 2021 from 8.00am – [...]
Newsletter 27 July, 2021 Dear Parents/Caregivers Assalaamu Alaikum WRWB TERM 3 Welcome back to all the teachers and students. We hope you all had a good break. This term is very important as there [...]