P.E. and Health

The aim of Physical Education at Al-Madinah is to provide all students with a challenging yet accessible curriculum, which will help all students to make progress in a variety of areas.
Students will be given opportunities to develop the skills and confidence to access sporting clubs and activities both in and out of school. The importance of a fit and Healthy lifestyle will promote and play an integral part in all Physical Education lessons.
From year, 7 to 10 physical education is compulsory, whereby every child is encouraged to take part in a range of sports during the school calendar year.
If students choose to further their education at NCEA level (year 11-13) the course focuses on academic prowess. It blends the scientific approach towards physical activity and health.
Health and P.E Activities
Years 1 to 6
In Primary, the focus for PE is on developing positive attitudes towards physical education and learning a wide range of movement concepts and motor skills. The focus for Health is for students to develop the skills and attitudes that enhance relationship with others, and to contribute to healthy communities and environments by taking responsibility of their actions.
PE and Health programmes are delivered by the classroom teacher and supplemented by specialist coaches/providers, and outside competitions and events.
Years 7 to 8
Our health is central to our overall wellbeing. Providing a safe environment for good education is itself a solution to our long-term health problems.
The topics studied are:
– Bullying
– Life-style Diseases
– Exercise and Nutrition
– Healthy Eating
Years 9 to 10
Wellbeing and Relationship is the focus in years 9 and 10. Healthy relationships are a vital component of overall health. Social and relationship skills that support the development of positive relationships enhances our wellbeing.
The topics studied are:
– Health Education and Hauora
– Friendship and Relationship
– Bullying
– Change and Stress
In physical education, the focus is on the wellbeing of the students themselves, of other people and of society through learning health- related and movement contexts.
NCEA level 1
Pre-Requisite: none
Course outline:
Physical Education Level 1- Year 11 The department may offer up to 18 credits.
NCEA level 2
Pre-Requisite: level 1 physical education preferred.
Course Outline:
Physical Education Level 2- Year 12 The department may offer up to 18 credits
NCEA level 3
Pre-Requisite: level 2 physical education preferred.
Course outline:
Physical Education Level 3- Year 13 The department may offer up to 18 credits