Religious Education

New Zealand National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEA) are national qualifications for senior secondary school students. Each year students study numerous courses or subjects. Religious studies is one subject from a number of subjects offered to students at Al-Madinah school.
We are privileged to offer Religious Education, where students gain six credits per unit, and in each unit, they are eligible to pass with achievement, achievement with merit and achievement with excellence. Number of our students have reflected higher achievement, receiving merit or excellence through course endorsements in Religious studies. This has reflected in gains towards NCEA certificate endorsement.
The Ministry does not provide developed resources relating to our subjects matters, due to difficulties associated with selecting contexts that would be useful to teachers. This I believe is because each school would be selecting different context specific to their religious faith.
This allows the Religious studies department at Al-Madinah school to develop teaching, learning and assessment resources for the students that are relevant to our special character of the school and the wider community.
Year 1 – 6
Students learn how to recite Qur’aan by starting with basic Arabic reading through Qaidah 1 and Qaidah 2. They then start reading Juzz Amma and eventually start reciting Qur’aan. They also learn basic knowledge of Islam including but not limited to beliefs, Salah, Books revealed to various Prophets, Fasting, stories about Prophets, slight touch on history of Islam, learn about names of Angels and their duty, Character of good Muslims, Creations of Almighty Allah, etc.
Year 7 – 10
Continue recitation of Qur’aan, memorization of various Suras of Qur’aan, Facts about Qur’aan, detail study about certain chapters of Qur’aan, History of Islam, Biography of Prophet Muhammad and other prophets before him. Various Prayers, Pillars of Islam including Fasting, Zakat, Hajj and Salah, Guidance of Qur’aan for our daily life, Drinks and Drugs, Illness, death and prayers in Islam. lives of Sahabah, Spiritual and personal development.
NCEA level 1
Religious Education
Pre-Requisite: None
Course content: Level 1 Religious Education course includes describing the purpose of a sacred text within a religious tradition, describing a significant development within a religious tradition, describing the application of the key ethical principle(s) of a religious tradition to an issue and describe key beliefs of a religious tradition.
Students can achieve up to a maximum of 24 credits at Level 1 in Religious Education
NCEA level 2
Religious Education
Pre-Requisite: None
Course content: Level 2 Religious Education course includes explaining a significant theme in a sacred text within a religious tradition, explaining the changes in an expression(s) of a religious tradition, explaining how a contemporary social action derives from the ethical principles of a religious tradition and explaining the key beliefs within two religious traditions in relation to a significant religious question
Students can achieve up to a maximum of 24 credits at Level 2 in Religious Education
NCEA level 3
Religious Education
Pre-Requisite: None
Course content: Level 3 Religious Education course includes analysing the meanings in a sacred text within a religious tradition, analysing a religious tradition(s) in Aotearoa New Zealand, analysing the response of a religious tradition to a contemporary ethical issue and analysing the key beliefs of a religious tradition and a secular world view in relation to ultimate questions.
Students can achieve up to a maximum of 24 credits at Level 3 in Religious Education