Vocational Pathways

Vocational Pathways is a tool that helps you to see how your strengths, interests and achievements relate to future study options and job opportunities.
The pathways provide clear study options that is always valued by employers and show you what employers expect you to achieve in your learning.
The pathways cover six industry sectors:
- Manufacturing and technology
- Construction and infrastructure
- Creative industries
- Primary industries
- Social and community services
- Services industries.
Benefits of Vocational Pathways
Vocational Pathways provides more options for learners to complete NCEA Level 2. By having, more ways and places to achieve NCEA Level 2 you will have more pathways into further learning and work.
When you complete a Vocational Pathway, you will receive a Vocational Pathways Award as well as receiving NCEA Level 2.
Achieving a Vocational Pathways Award shows employers you have the knowledge and skills, which they are looking for.
Star Programme
The objectives of STAR are to:
- Provide flexible funding for courses which will better respond to students’ needs, motivate them to achieve, and facilitate their smooth transition to further education, training or employment
- Support students to explore career pathways and help them make informed decisions about their schooling and future work or study.
STAR has been designed to support a coherent Vocational Pathways programme by enabling:
- schools to form partnerships with tertiary education providers and employers to provide vocational education and work experience
- student exploration of pathways to work or further education
- engagement with learning by highlighting the relevance of learning to future employment or study
- Achievement of NCEA and tertiary qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework.
At Al-Madinah, we have accomplished Safety Standards for many past years. Safety being paramount importance in all Industries. Our students are well prepared and achieve special certificates showing their competence.
Sewing has been an integral part of the senior girls. We also do many Technology Unit Standards from Outside Providers, which also helps in the Vocational Pathways Programme. As in the past, our Year 13 boys have all achieved the Licence for the Forklift. In addition, many students did the Learner Licence course this year.
In future, we are looking for higher level Computer courses from excellent outside Providers.
Gateway Programme
Gateway funding enables secondary schools to give senior students access to structured workplace learning integrated with school-based learning. Students’ learning is assessed in the workplace and they can achieve credits on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) towards their National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA).
Gateway is designed to support school students’ transition into the workforce by offering them workplace learning while at secondary school. This should include a formal agreement (like an individualised learning plan) between the school, the student and the workplace.
The workplace learning should include:
- Set unit standards for the student to work towards and achieve
- Specific assessment methods.
- Achieve at least 20 credits at level 2
- The students are attached to a Provider one day per week for 10 weeks.
At Al-Madinah, we embark on different Programmes by looking at the student’s interest and availability of the outside Provider.
Through the years, we have been through these areas;
- Chorus-Cabling
- Toll-Logistics
- Warehouse- Retailing
- NZIS-Sports coaching and Leadership
- BCITO-Building/Carpentry
In future, we wold go into Early Childhood, Homecare and other areas as per students interest and needs
NCEA level 2 and 3
Vocational Pathways
To achieve the Vocational Pathways Award, a learner must:
- achieve NCEA Level 2 which includes literacy (10 credits) and numeracy (10 credits) at Level 1 or above, and
- achieve 60 x Level 2 credits from the Recommended Assessment Standards for a Vocational Pathways, including 20 x Level 2 credits from Sector-Related Standards for the same sector. Credits from the Recommended Assessment Standards and Sector-Related Standards must come from the same Vocational Pathway e.g Primary Industries.
A learner can achieve more than one Vocational Pathways Award if they complete more than one Vocational Pathway.